At the beginning of 2014, we put the brakes on production for a solid week and a half. We sat together during this time to discuss and reflect on the year that had passed and look not just to the year ahead but the next five years.
What emerged from this period of introspection for us was a renewed sense of purpose and direction as a group. It also had the positive side effect of providing a solid reason for rebranding the studio (we say re-branding, but this was the first time we had found the time to formally brand the studio).
Soon after committing to the task we had the incredible good fortune of meeting Toronto-based designer Rafael Rviz.
He immediately understood what we were about, and the identity he created for us is a fitting image of the passionate and friendly family into which the studio has evolved over the years.
Process (Words of Rafael Rviz). “The Tendril Emojis came out of the idea of having elements in the brand that were modular, to represent diversity. Whether it’s the diversity of the team members or the diversity in the work Tendril does. At the heart of the Tendril emojis is the communication of fun and playfulness, key concepts in representing the Tendril brand. We needed a mark that would represent these qualities. A logo inspired by the lowercase ‘t’ created with simple geometric shapes that smiles back at you.”
More info at Motionographer.

Behind the scenes
The new Tendril Logo was created with the intention of embodying the spirit of the studio. Tendril being a fun creative group, that is energetic, full of laughter, sophisticated, passionate, and experts of their craft. We needed a mark that would represent these qualities. A logo inspired by the lowercase ‘t’ created with simple geometric shapes that smiles back at you.