We partnered with Facebook’s Camera Team to create some of the first AR masks and stickers for their new augmented reality platforms that have been used by literally millions of people!
Prior to Facebook’s unveiling of their brand new augmented reality platform in 2017, Tendril had already been working closely under the hood with their team to explore what the new features (effects, masks, stickers) would look like. (Check out the videos we created for F8 about the future of AR here)
Our biggest challenge was to really push for the visual sophistication we expect from our projects within a beta mobile AR engine. This meant that we were working very closely with their team almost daily, hacking away at solutions that helped shape the current AR Studio Engine now available to the wider public.
Now Tendril is a preferred vendor for publishing branded AR effects that bring AR wizardry into everyday lives. Check out our latest mask for Starz’ Ash Vs Evil Dead show premiere here.
Just a Few…

3D AR Stickers

More coming soon 😉
Animation Studio:
Executive Producers:
Kate Bate, Sarah Arruda
Leo Mateus, Joseph Recoskie, Matt Jakob
John Szebegyinszki
Jill Wilkie, Priscila Conde
Brian LeFrancois, Ahmed Wageh
Christian Hecht, Runbo Chen, Tyrel Scott, Flavio Diniz
Marcelo Souza, Tyrel Scott, John Turello
Rodrigo Rezende, Leandro Beltran, Daniel Pomella, Emilie Muszczak
Technical Director:
Ben Pilgram